These are 3 versions of my poem "Window to My Soul." Please tell me which version you like best!
This is the beginning/introduction to a story I would like to develop on-I would like to expand on this, but I would like some feedback to help me wit..
Two benches in a park face the sunset tonight,
an acid sunset.
Bright colors fill the sky like the Aurora Borealis
although we are nowhere near tho..
I can't seem to make the time
to sit and write, to relax and play
I'm overwhelmed by the pressure
of school and grades and friends
the silly littl..
When your mind is young and innocent
and you know nothing of the world
It's easy to believe.
When all you know of faith is what is taught in Sund..
I knew you once.
I knew your body,
I knew your smile,
I knew your walk,
I knew your voice,
I knew your laugh,
I knew your cry.
But no longe..
Once upon a time
a little girl
was allowed to paint
the gazebo in the yard.
She had a vision
of a magical hideaway
color of flame,
The long wooden pier
looms before me
a pathway into the sea.
Thunder rages
lightning illuminates the cloudy sky
a contrast from the dark twilig..
Life is a
p z e
u l
The pieces fly..
Artemis, the huntress,
bounds through the woods on silent feet
her maiden hunting party behind her,
searching for her prey.
Artemis, the huntres..