she paints her face to hide her face.
she holds it in when all she wants to do is cry, scream freak out.
when she smiles it is the fakest of things,..
short little story about the white part of my head. i dont have highlights, i dont dye my hair, its NATURAL, i swear to god. ive been made fun of my w..
i huddle in my desolate corner of seclusion
i breathe in the salt tears streaming down my face.
the black mascara stained streaks on my cheeks have ..
he tells me we are finally alone,
and i thought that it was something different.
i thought he had something to tell me,
i thought that he was going..
the thought of touching you
is nothing like the feeling,
your skin, is like nothing i have
ever in my life felt before.
even the skin of your..
i find myself thinking more and more about you
you seem like an endless thought that hovers
like a grape from its vine in the vinyard of my head.
i dont know how to describe the amazing feeling i feel
its nothing i know how to express with the simplicity
of just a syllable. the fragileness o..
im fooling myself.
im afraid of what i will get
but i want it so bad i can barely breathe.
untill i see his face, untill i hear his voice.
when i..
so, now you know.
you know and yet..........
you know and yet you havent done anything.
am i not the girl you want?
am i not good enough a..
i just want you to see.
what else do i have to do?
i dont understand why it has to be this way,
when all i have ever really wanted
was somebody t..