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Chapel Hill, NC
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About Me

I have been writing since I was a child. I still write like a child. Ignore second sentence.

My first poetry acceptance nearly sent me into shock. Not only did Buffalo Spree magazine want to publish the poem [a nature piece in free verse], they enclosed a check for forty dollars.
Needless to say, it was the most money I made off of writing for months. . .but I began seeing my poetry and fiction in print.

Mind you, the die was cast by the time I was 12. A little newspaper prize helped, but it was the escape factor that really did the trick. Frankly, I had a miserable childhood. Like so many writers, I found solace in painting pictures with words. Sometimes someone even listened.

I have a bio at Author's Den that might interest some of you. I grew up in Illinois but have lived in North Carolina for decades. Ray [husb.] and I look out on trees [another dream of mine], and deer often stroll by. Our scruffy, non-standard Yorkie, Nicky, provides a lot of entertainment, and we love movies. I read, of course, and art is among my passions.

More at Author's Den.

Peace, Freedom, and Equality for All!



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Posted 12 Years Ago

I send Loving Energy to y o u, MicHEAL. {Love what you've done with your name :)} Thank you so much for your thoughtful and inspiring message. Needed it, I confess.

I hope this finds you and yours thriving, and that your work is going well. May 2013 prove to be your best year yet!



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Posted 12 Years Ago

" I send you Loving Energy that You may set yourself Free and Connect with others in a way that Blesses everyone as it gives Birth to Miracles. "

MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One