And on that grassy shoreline there,Far from all who thought they'd dare,Far from those who'd ask, "What do you see?" "What is truth?"While we'd grima..
Here lay conduct in the face of whim,Therein contained within reason: Caught between stimuli, Crossed eyes, legs a..
Lying in an intersection, 4th and River Street,Painted in the colors of the sun.God only knows how you understand this,but you soldier on anyways,brig..
How can we say that we know life,When this drink in which we partakeIs poisonous so,Turning all roses to weeds,Our rosaries togarrotes,These vines to ..
We gather en masse on a dry shore,A sea of dead grass and thorns,at the dry banksAnd the doorway of a liquor store.Huddled close in this ashenLand, we..
There were no words that could pierce the light of the noon-day sere.With silent glances, we scrutinized the scene.Stage left: handshakes meant to gre..
Brown rain falls down to brown streetsAnd brown shingles and guttersAs a pale fog creeps around a woman on the street-corner,Her shoulders bare, her d..
In daylight's fastidious oppression -96 degrees and rising- Black beetles scuttle about the smooth marble.With incestuous airs, their midnight claws d..
No words could bend the shallow tongue, the shrill pitch of their airs.Nor could any bow, curtsy, or pastiche of Nietzsche or Camus.Their eyes glaze o..
There's a certain flavor of psychosis,Of strawberry wine, ofGrapples and oranges.Ascertaining this quality,This condiment of hubris,By men in white co..