Jenni Bailey : Writing

It's Not Always About You

It's Not Always About You

A Poem by Jenni Bailey

It’s Not Always About YouWritten By Jenni BaileySaying it with a straight face, tooBasically, you’ve said,‘’It’s not alw..
Crows and Vultures

Crows and Vultures

A Poem by Jenni Bailey

Crows and VulturesBy Jenni BaileyThe crows have been inhabiting my soulThere’s darkness in me, I need to freeThe vultures in the hollow tree, ar..
What Did I Do?

What Did I Do?

A Poem by Jenni Bailey

What Did I Do?Written by Jenni BaileyI came into this world to live a life that I didn’t get to pickI didn’t choose the struggles, not eve..
My Shadow

My Shadow

A Story by Jenni Bailey

My ShadowBy Jenni BaileyEveryone has a shadow. A shadow is the outline of the body, and it shows in the sunlight, and sometimes in the darkest of plac..


A Poem by Jenni Bailey

I still need you
I Am So Tired

I Am So Tired

A Poem by Jenni Bailey

Cerebral Palsy Struggles
Fallen Angels

Fallen Angels

A Poem by Jenni Bailey

God isn't almighty!
''Daddy's Home!''

''Daddy's Home!''

A Story by Jenni Bailey

My Dad being home turned from joy to me being scared
At the Gravesites

At the Gravesites

A Poem by Jenni Bailey

I regret the person I was before my grandparents died


A Poem by Jenni Bailey

My full name carries hurt