A rather silly introduction of two superheroes and their relationship with each other. Oh, and postage stamps.
With a touch of magic in the air, and the misery of a cold, wet season, a new star rises to the heavens...
Picture two opposites - a dirty, scruffy, smelly and ugly old man and the prettiest girl ever. And add a dreadful accident. A bit of Heaven and hell ..
A tale of total authority and the abuse of power set in a medieval monastery, but a similar tale could be told just about anywhere and anywhen
A conversation between a priest and a boy with an enquiring mind
Ever wonder what it might have been like in the dim past before man understood how babies were made, but made them anyway, and winter was approaching?
Part two of a little story about blind faith and the way nonsense can be worshipped by people who have been beguiled by deceit.
Another Granny Bones tale, this time venturing on one of the oddities of belief.
Partly in verse and partly in prose with dialogue, this is a second episode in the eccentric life of Granny Bones
A little fantasy about an elderly grandmother and magic.