theta sigma : Writing

10 Hypnotists

10 Hypnotists

A Poem by theta sigma

A little homage to 10 little Indians . And the queen of crime.
Last stop , Royston Vasey

Last stop , Royston Vasey

A Poem by theta sigma

based on the series , the league of gentlemen.
The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead

A Poem by theta sigma

Based on Comics and TV show.
The Ood Sings

The Ood Sings

A Poem by theta sigma

The last moments of the 10th Dr.
Death Lottery

Death Lottery

A Poem by theta sigma

This is a cut down version of a new story of the 9th Dr. Only before Rose Tyler there was new stories with Dodo.
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The Silence of others

The Silence of others

A Poem by theta sigma

This is more of a tragic verse. Like after a disaster of some kind.
The Slender Man

The Slender Man

A Poem by theta sigma

Based on the legend through the internet and other sources
Planet of the Dead

Planet of the Dead

A Poem by theta sigma

Based on a Dr Who Serial. A router re routed.