Chace Peckham : Writing

Changing a Crack Addict

Changing a Crack Addict

A Story by Chace Peckham

Changing someone into who you want them to be is not necessarily the best idea. One cannot ..
Fate, Destiny, Life Full of Coincidences

Fate, Destiny, Life Full of Coincidences

A Story by Chace Peckham

I just got done watching a movie called the 500 days of summer. It really doesn’t mat..
The Weight of Your Soul

The Weight of Your Soul

A Story by Chace Peckham

Does your soul have weight? I’m going to get pretty theoretical and say yes. Ever sin..
Worry Free Zone

Worry Free Zone

A Story by Chace Peckham

Today, I realized that the world will come together on its own. During my life, I have tried to control the world’s destiny. Finally, not ..
He Looks Calm and Ready, but…

He Looks Calm and Ready, but…

A Story by Chace Peckham

On this great August Night, I cannot sleep. I’m rolling around in a half folded futon at my parent’s house contemplating my future ..
Love is Not What Love is

Love is Not What Love is

A Story by Chace Peckham

Continuing on with the thought process that occurs in my head, I am plagued by the word &l..
Why So Serious?

Why So Serious?

A Story by Chace Peckham

The day I saw the Dark Knight and witnessed the epic portrayal of Joker by an infamous man..
Can’t Bring Me Down

Can’t Bring Me Down

A Story by Chace Peckham

Mistakes in life are quite impossible to control. No matter how meticulously you work, er..
Ghandi Said it, it Must be True

Ghandi Said it, it Must be True

A Story by Chace Peckham

Transitioning from mistakes towards what you learn from these mistakes implies that you better yourself as a person..
Who Would Ever Want to be Perfect?

Who Would Ever Want to be Perfect?

A Story by Chace Peckham

I briefly discussed excellence in my last post. Now it’s time to rehash that topic a..

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