it pains my heartthat you would have mebear false to my natureit pierces my soulthat you would have mehold back from myselfan anchor to my boat,a bumo..
in the fray i am lost and woundedshivers down my spinefailed in flight, i am groundedlost in smoke and blood-like winewith time i have learned to hide..
our sunset has come,
it will not rise
a soul so lonesome,
it meets its demise
all laughter - drained
a heart that cries
for a life that's ..
longing is endlessin this vast open seatroubled by all that isand will never betime is selfishin this eternal thoughtdenying my wishand leaving me nau..
waves crash into shore,i miss you more and moreleaves sway in the wind,oh, loneliness - no endon tranquil groundknees are bentbliss unfoundon time uns..
caught in the tapestryof what i cannot comprehend,what's beyond melocked in introspectionfor a purposethat answers The questionever searchingslave to ..
dazed and confused, i seem to be
trapped in a tempest
shattered and broken, you'll find me
caged by my own fences
wondering and w..
i was asked to paint a pictureof everything that's happeningi'm not a good painter though,so i'll just try writing.i write it as i see it,i say it as ..