Bruises tell a tale, fade of blackish blueto coppery bronze, lose their lines, featheredcolors bleed, like fabric dye inside my skin.eyes curious, fla..
If actions speak loudest, then joyful beating of my heart drowns out all other sounds, and here, in a chamber all your own, I hope you hear the words ..
Good afternoon my loveHow are you today?Can you feel my kisses upon your brow?From up here my friends the gargoylesand IMy wings twitched like a cats ..
I know a secret and I just can't keep the wordsHow I long to whisper like a feather on your curves Comes an autumn breeze so soft into your earOn this..
What demon haunts me in this dream,Pitch black and cold what could it mean?Like spears and knives this fear doth cut,My soul does shake and tell me wh..
Gatsby on display
Wisdom to a heart that seeks