get ready for the storm
trying new things niqqa
The roads to lifePoverty stricken,Or where wealth is rifeAll of which been bitten.When coming to two roads,Are any less ridden?No, would say the toadO..
The Great below,From which I bellow.Descending into a familiar hole,Ascending is my goal.But, I may never leave the Great below.Cascading too and fro,..
Dust,Is my befallen trust.Drugs,My craven crutch.The joys in life give me a rushyet, most have been untouched.Lonely,The antithesis of lovely.Holycan ..
I see a Light,Though nowhere near bright.The impending clouds fill my fright,Through its delight,Naturality was never reality.If i may be candor,Event..
In my mind, hearing the screams.Thinking of them bleed,Seeing them look back at me.Hearing them think,Trying to sleep,While carrying them in me.Subsid..
In the green is where i'll be.Not in the grey,For no hope clouds the day.Not in beige,Who wants to work anyway?The green helps me go my way.The white,..
The blood stops there.In thoughts of being is fear,The thought is clearAnd revelations near.I shall be one with the void.Done with women acting coy,Ti..