Its Saturday nightand you and I havelived another day,How many timeshave I noticed youtoday,this morning at the mirrortrying to fix perfection,later I..
Its Saturday morningand you and I are sleepingoblivious to the world,I am breathing on theback of your neck,A plane passes above,Unheard,Heat beneath ..
This air is full, fullof fulfilled memoryMy byzantine butterfly,I see you long ago to-day,Azure eyes catching light,splash of stardust, fly, fly,Silve..
Maybe we should not speakbut become speechless,absorb the words of the world,Take it all in,''Suck it up'',never rush to judgement,Abhorrence leads to..
Only optimistic people everwin the lottery,But not because theyare optimistic,Only because pessimisticpeople neverbuy lottery tickets...
I walk the shorefrom mind to sleepand gaze in themirrored rock.Brightness knocks me back,caught in bright lightA child in schooltimid but bright,cravi..
Meet me in mid Winterwhen the trees havebared their souls,when water coldand crystal clearflows beneath the ice.Take my hand Cathylook west, West toth..
The way of the writeris wicked and wearisome,I case the perimeter wallsof my mind in search ofBreaches of Bad Influence,I delve deep and deeperinto da..
be suicide aware