the same but different
We foughtside by side,you and I,We crossed our heartsand hoped not to die,we battled forwardwhen time was right,time was we slunk backlike rats in the..
He has been signedinto insignificance.The pen scribbledunfathomable signaturehas sealed his doom.Escape is non-existent.He has found his throne,it sit..
a children's kingdom
Lucy,the downssyndrome childwill only sleep at thefoot of the bed, curled,curled up into a little ball,her source of comfortare her sister's feet,pres..
This port town heart hasall kinds of comings and goings,some part of my heart,the best of all badness,the worst of all goodness,the equality of all eq..
I have come from a small place,so small now in this time it almostpales into insignificance, yetthis place where I come fromhas made me what I am,But ..
part fact, mostly fictional,
We are here now,A fire burns behind us,it crackles and smellsof turf and earth,You stand before me,I place a thumb and fingersoftly on your cheek,This..
The men gatherat the church gable,so old now andso very few,They are falling backinto the earth fromwhence they came,yet they hold onto their earthine..