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overris : Writing

Failed reunion - Starcraft 2 Alt.

Failed reunion - Starcraft 2 Alt.

A Story by overris

After watching some StarCraft 2: Heart of the swarm gameplay; there was a scene which caught my eye: when Kerrigan and Jim met for the first time, a..
Mad Max: Death Road (fan fiction)

Mad Max: Death Road (fan fiction)

A Story by overris

A lone traveller, meets his worst day of the week; in this crazy and messy future...
Harry Potter: Secrets of the Past (fan fiction)

Harry Potter: Secrets of the Past (fan fiction)

A Story by overris

A fan fiction based on the original title "Harry Potter" (owned by J. K. Rowling) and my own imagination. Please show respect to the owners and toward..
Star Wars: Fading mist (fan fiction)

Star Wars: Fading mist (fan fiction)

A Story by overris

A fan fiction loosely based on the original title "Star Wars" (owned by Disney) and my own imagination. Please show respect to the owners and towards ..