Otingocni : Writing

My Journal 7/3/2016

My Journal 7/3/2016

A Screenplay by Otingocni

I made love to my husband this morning and it was nice. I can make peace with nice. It wasn't the most passionate and it didn't last long, but it was ..
Becoming Me 8

Becoming Me 8

A Poem by Otingocni

I just wanted to tell you that... You're perfect just where you are at. Just remain there at your station. Avoiding our situation. You're right ..
My Journal  7/1/2016

My Journal 7/1/2016

A Screenplay by Otingocni

I think that I felt myself go through almost every emotion possible today. Watched myself go through them as well...emotional lability to its finest...
My Journal 6/30/2016

My Journal 6/30/2016

A Screenplay by Otingocni

Sometimes I just want to say, "F**k you and the twin flame horse you rode in on!" And that's funny to me, because I already made peace with that bu..
Unsurpassed 10

Unsurpassed 10

A Poem by Otingocni

I walk in the room and my armour falls. It tumbles right down, along with my walls. It's just you and me as time reinstalls Right here in the fle..
Your Preferred 8

Your Preferred 8

A Poem by Otingocni

I want the truth to be set free But secrets are a part of me I want to know the way you see, So you'll tell me where I should be. Maybe the truth..
Bubbles To Plough 8

Bubbles To Plough 8

A Poem by Otingocni

If struggle helped to grow strength in you, Then I would be stronger by now. Although I guess I've made it through This far with min trouble someh..
Broken Vessel 10

Broken Vessel 10

A Poem by Otingocni

Ever since you reactivated me I'm unhappy with satisfactory. Still haven't been taken over the edge, Although I was hanging out on the ledge For a..
Fantasy Treasure 8

Fantasy Treasure 8

A Poem by Otingocni

You tease me with scenarios. If they'll happen, nobody knows. I just keep holding on to thoughts Of our bodies tied up in knots, All over in all p..
Dream Came True 10

Dream Came True 10

A Poem by Otingocni

I just realized that my dream fortold The way that the future was to unfold. I'm at your mercy laying at your feet Awaiting on which level you will..