Oscar Auliq-Ice : Writing

Whispers Through the Seasons

Whispers Through the Seasons

A Poem by Oscar Auliq-Ice

In the breath of spring, flowers whisper,Tales of love, to the sun they shimmer.Blossoms crowning the verdant plains,Delicate petals, amidst soft rain..
The Symphony of Seasons

The Symphony of Seasons

A Poem by Oscar Auliq-Ice

In the gentle sway of springtime’s bloom,Whispers emerge from winter’s gloom,Dew-kissed petals and new-born leaves,Nature’s promise,..
Through the Seasons

Through the Seasons

A Poem by Oscar Auliq-Ice

In the waking arms of Spring, a gentle whisper flows,Where petals dance with breezy tunes, and vibrant life bestows.Buds unfurl their verdant wings, i..
Spectral Dance of Twilight

Spectral Dance of Twilight

A Poem by Oscar Auliq-Ice

In the crepuscular embrace, where day and night entwine,Dances a spectral ballet, in a twilight so divine.Shadows caress the amber light, where contra..
Waltz of the Wandering Waves

Waltz of the Wandering Waves

A Poem by Oscar Auliq-Ice

Upon the sprawling ocean's grace, a rhythmic dance aligns,Where waves caress the sandy shore with tender, fleeting signs.A symphony of ebbs and flows,..
Canvas of the Cosmos

Canvas of the Cosmos

A Poem by Oscar Auliq-Ice

In the boundless black of space, where celestial bodies gleam,There lies a canvas painted vast, where cosmic tales esteem.Stars sparkle in the distant..
Whispers in the Wilderness

Whispers in the Wilderness

A Poem by Oscar Auliq-Ice

Amidst the wild's embracing arms, where verdant canopies extend,Lies a sanctuary of serenity, where souls with nature blend.The whispers of the ancien..
The Symphony of Dawn

The Symphony of Dawn

A Poem by Oscar Auliq-Ice

As the first light of morning, gently breaks the night’s dark spell,The world awakens softly, in hues of pink and pastel.A symphony begins to pl..
Harbor of Dreams

Harbor of Dreams

A Poem by Oscar Auliq-Ice

Beneath the velvety canvas, where countless stars gleam bright,Lies a tranquil sea of dreams, bathed in soft, silvery light.The gentle waves whisper t..
Veil of the Ethereal Night

Veil of the Ethereal Night

A Poem by Oscar Auliq-Ice

In the quietude of darkness, where moonbeams softly tread,Lies a veil so ethereal, where nightly whispers are spread.The celestial sphere, adorned wit..