Hannah Erickson : Writing

Excerpts from Ambiguity's Diary

Excerpts from Ambiguity\'s Diary

A Story by Hannah Erickson

June 11, 2007 Her hair is pinned as high as it will go. It gives her a headache, but relieves her f..
The Chains that Blind You

The Chains that Blind You

A Poem by Hannah Erickson

Having it out with society's expectations...
The Fruit of Love

The Fruit of Love

A Poem by Hannah Erickson

I am westward bound Racing toward a dying sun The promise of rebirth a day away When I will watch the sun rise in your eyes The heat of the star r..
A Dark Legacy Grows Darker: The Economy and our Education

A Dark Legacy Grows Darker: The Economy and our Ed..

A Story by Hannah Erickson

This short article/essay, like most writing could be better with additional research and I may return to it at a later point in time. I suppose you co..
Last Night I Dreamt of Chaos

Last Night I Dreamt of Chaos

A Story by Hannah Erickson

A recent dream of mine
Sylvan Salutations

Sylvan Salutations

A Story by Hannah Erickson

Not my best work and it hasn't gone through the editing process, but it was meant more as a practice with personification and also to toy with the ide..
The Day of Rest

The Day of Rest

A Poem by Hannah Erickson

Bitter ramblings of a mind not at ease with itself Skin crawls deep within its thoughts Creating an illusion of what may be a soul Echoing no res..
Love Becomes You

Love Becomes You

A Poem by Hannah Erickson

Written for a special someone.
What Crazy's Like

What Crazy\'s Like

A Poem by Hannah Erickson

Exploring ideas and such


A Poem by Hannah Erickson

It's 6:30 and I need to fold clothes, but the bug just bit me...