Dean : Writing

Am I

Am I

A Poem by Dean

Am I the one who is to stand by your side, And watch you be happy in someone else’s arms? Am I supposed to smile at the ..
The Vindictive Vampire

The Vindictive Vampire

A Book by Dean

Dean's world.


A Chapter by Dean

By Dean This was written for the girl that makes my cold heart warm up a bit.
Dear broken heart

Dear broken heart

A Chapter by Dean

Dear broken heart, You darling broken heart how I envy you, You have known love and have been there so close… You have held it close to yo..


A Chapter by Dean

Watching the sunrise and engulfed in its timeless beauty, The silence of the moonlit night is soon to disappear. The rosy lining of the silver..


A Chapter by Dean

Something so difficult, something so wrong, One job to do and failing miserably at it. Sick to my stomach, so why not empty it? It’s ov..
Two Green Eyes

Two Green Eyes

A Chapter by Dean

Two green eyes stare at me from the opposite side of a car’s backseat, The shadows hide her well, behind the curtains of despair And all I c..
Could be worse

Could be worse

A Chapter by Dean

The clock strikes midnight at the old sleepy house, Twelve little strikes and the silence falls again on the floor Letting all go array, letting ..
The Ultimate Guardian

The Ultimate Guardian

A Chapter by Dean

Have you ever looked in the mirror to see a stranger look back? His pale eyes and his hair obsidian black, His long hands and his torturous mind, ..
Beach romance

Beach romance

A Chapter by Dean

Midnight romance next to the beach, Soft blankets, picnic baskets and a bottle of wine, You cannot deny the beauty tonigh..