R.E.K. : Writing

These Pieces Of Us

These Pieces Of Us

A Poem by R.E.K.

We fail to live in the moment, to build and capture our essence that is waiting to be nurtured and bloom...
Fake Eyelashes

Fake Eyelashes

A Poem by R.E.K.

How to love your body


A Poem by R.E.K.

What summer is like for me, a beautiful simile


A Chapter by R.E.K.

Heidi meets The Man


A Chapter by R.E.K.

It feels like remembering,a pinch,waking you up to,that you've forgottenthat you have no feakinideaHow to do any of this
Depression Feels Like

Depression Feels Like

A Book by R.E.K.

to try and capture the monster with no face
Oh Why Don't I Sleep When I'm Tired

Oh Why Don't I Sleep When I'm Tired

A Poem by R.E.K.

I just don't drink when I'm thirsty for you, nothing else quenches my thirst
Helping Me Help Myself

Helping Me Help Myself

A Poem by R.E.K.

Thank you