Do you ever get one of those days?That you just want to be on your ownand close the house up and keep thecurtains closed around your home?And just get..
City LifeThe streets are dirty and uncleaned.Cars wissing past here and there.People jaywalking across the roads.Window cleaners sprucing up bigshop w..
Botox, leg waxing,false nails, dyed hairBrazilian, pedicure,manicure this list isendless.Even before they get their outfit for the night out and match..
I have been wallowing in self-pity of lateand been thinking to myself.This is doing me no good at all!."I need to kick me in the butt.Mentally". "Let ..
A beaten up,Twisted all specimenof a tree.With ugly branchesand a weather-beatenrotted wood as protectionfrom the storms in the pastand the ones comin..
A strong hand to hold.A comforting,encourage sweet wordto support and help.A loving way to aid us all.Not a nagging voice who tells us off.Or someone ..
Some people are " doers" and others are "watchers"in life.They do things and take action.And the watchers.Sit back and watch life passthem by.I feel l..
Manic emotionstrying to balancemy life and problems out.Failing badlywith other peopleswoes on topadded to mine.I am sinkingfast.Feeling who cares abo..