She opens the door.And the kids shout...trick or treat.She says. My dear children. A treat is in storefor you.She hands them candy bars andsweets. The..
I have been a right little f****r of late.Like a mad women on overdrive.My poems are blunt at times and trueas well as depressing and other times upbe..
Jealously is an ugly emotionit even rears its head on here.To me, that is so sad.That everyone just can notget alone.Someone feels threatened and upse..
we live in a world where the majorityof the population. Want us to fit intotheir way of thinking and being.And if we don't fit in. they hate it.You ar..
if you do they love the attention, they got from your reaction at them blocking or hating you. Humans are arseholes....simple as that...for no reason...
Emotions flowing beneath the keys.Written on the pc screens.Expressions and heartfelt, dramaticstorytelling or really just made sci fiction an..
The Broken SoulBelongs to a human beingwho has been unloved,uncared for and has been usedand abused.As well as has built up barriersovertime of gettin..
It's truly wonderfully when you're deeply in love.But when the cracks start to show and youdon't deal with the problems. The bitternessand resentment ..
Some people find happiness easy to come byand others find it really hard to find.Some people think you have to spend a fortuneon expensive items and b..
Their comes a time in everyone lifewhere you have to say enough is enoughand stand up for You.And not let anyone and I mean anyonewalk over you. Regar..