It really is quite strangehow people see being a good personas a bad thing.That caring and loving otherswho are not even related to youat all. Is wick..
For anyone who got a new pet?On Christmas Day.I do hope you keep themand plan on keeping them safe and sound.Let alone happy.As well as love them fore..
We all have pains and hurtswe need to deal with and move on from.2019 is going to be a tryingyears for us.As 2018 and some otheryears in the past. Hav..
Have you ever had a nightmare?The kind you just can't wake up from?The sort that makes you feel as thoughyou are actually alive within its power.And t..
Where has the "old fashioned respectand decency" gone, in this world?Yet again, an old person is robbedin her home. Some are even attackedand killed.F..
What will be will be?The future is not oursto see. Is very apt.None of us can predictwhat next year or anya year will be like.Fate is either against u..
Well a New Year is justaround the corner.Excitement is buildingas anticipation for what is coming new.More births, death and marriages.New boyfriends,..
I thought I lived in a country who adored and loved animals?My heart does breaks sometimes.When I see,on the news particularly stories onlinein newspa..
My mother bought my fathersome red leather boxer shortsfor his Christmas Present.It basically was a dare.And my father got my mothera set of handcuffs..