A day of nothingness within myheart, mind and soul.I am empty like a cargo ship.Filled with hollow spaces.I am numb. And the noiseless,so-called tranq..
The bittersweetness of my poetrythe heartfelt yearning, words andmelancholic emotions. Thoughts andideas. That swirl around insidemy head. Do they mak..
He had two foul rags covering his sore swollenlooking dirty feet. And he wore a dishevelledfilthy t-shirt. That I guess. One resembles the colourlight..
Wisdom?Do I have any? Well my wisdomis learning from my mistakes.And being taught by life's lessonsand not doing the same again.Hopefully. Each and ev..
A love letter was written in the sandas he took the blindfold off methat I saw.I stood a gasp and utter oh myThen he turned to kiss me And he knelt do..
Before anyone asks me. I never had a sister. I always wanted one. But I was an only child. And to me. This poem represents the sister. I dearly wante..
What is my purpose of being bornis it to appease others or to, justappease me eventually? Is being born a punishment or a joy.Is each new day a great ..