Express yourselfand get it all out!Whetherit is goodor bador whatever?Each emotionhas to beshared.That youare feelinginside.Release the beast and thos..
We all need timesto be aloneMoments to contemplaterelax and truly unwindAnd basically to stopthinking and doing.To just go numb inthe mind and bodyand..
If God really cared!Why did he putsuffering on earth?Outwith all thatfreewill crap!Sorry, I am upsetAnd needing to vent!Suffer the little childto come..
We all have demonsnone of us chooses!Sadly some worsethan others.our demonsI mean.I am notmaking lightof anyoneplight.I am talking about myown persona..
I want to cryand take this pain awayfor youI want to washaway all the sorrowhurt and painyou have sufferedand still feelingI want to make you whole ag..
You did not take a gunand shoot someonein the head!You did not rapesomeone and leave them to bleedand die on the street!You never ran overan innocent ..
The vile and twisteddebauchery.Of some selected fewwho inflict unduesufferingpain and tortureand miseryand crueltytowards othersfor extreme self-indu..
I remember as a kidyoung teenagerbeing able to walkto schoolor collegein safetyand beable to walkhome laterand be okay.I also rememberwhen it was safe..