She woke upand realized aftera few minutesshe had over slept.She sneaked out ofhis bed quietly andgrabbed her thingsas she heard himsnore loudly.Then ..
My life is constant dramas then lulls for a bit then action again the lullsLike a rollercoaster on full speednever stopping just constantly going up a..
I never realized it beforebut me speaking outand sharing my thoughtsand feelings viamy poetryhopefully ishelping othersand myself see thatGod doesreal..
Gentle spirit guide me toa place of comfortholding my handand reassure mepleaseThat all will be okayas I look upon theewith sad eyesand a broken heart..
I have learned a valuable lesson that I knew already alasnever paid much attentionto it properly beforeshameful I admit thatlike most people in life.Y..
I have really opened my heart and soulon writerscafe to everyone in theshort time I have been here.It really gives me comfort and hopeand love to know..
Numbness is starting to flooding my sensesas i am on overloadwithmy emotions I really can understand howpeople who get told they have Cancermust feelT..
Are u Dumbledore in disguise?someone jokingly of courseasked me.I guess they mean the characterfrom a J.K. Rowling bookthe epitome ofgoodness. this ch..