Upon entering the palace, the women found themselves in the most opulent entryway they had ever imagined. The walls glittered..
The next morning, the women met the queen in the gardens near the Orange River. They would be learning quite a bit today from..
The women started down a path along the river to further observe the animals in their natural habitat. They hoped to learn mo..
“So Aife, you want to try out those new wings or just flash them around?” Lothyra asked.
Aife’s brillian..
The women chatted as they walked leisurely toward Carra’s village. It rose quietly on the horizon, carefully built in h..
Aife shoved The Lord of the Realm away. “Get off me, you conniving rat!” She yelled; throwing a right hook that c..
“Aife, I’m sorry you are upset, but I didn’t do this to you,” the king said. “I know you feel t..
Kylinstra sat at the desk in her room; studying the tome James gave her. It was a book on Tria, The Goddess of Magic for Alac..
The girls interact with the kingdom's inhabitants meet more key characters.
Ky, Lothyra and Aife work on undoing damage. Azarie and Trey discuss the situation.