The Fallen

The Fallen


I miss some of the friends I made on here

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About Me

Hey guys,

Thank you for checking out my profile! A couple things you should know about me;

I am extremely inactive as I have gotten into university and it is a lot of work. I also have a job so it takes up a lot of my time.

I still write from time to time, but I never post on here as it has gotten to a point where I want to keep it to myself and polish it up.

If you are new thank you for reading my stories. Or atleast the ones that are published on here. You should know that many have them have been polished up and edited a bunch in my free time, but they wont be shown on here. So enjoy the first draft, I suppose.

If you aren't new and happen to be one of the people I talked to before I left writers cafe I just want to say a few things to you guys. I know theres a chance none of you will be seeing it, but if you do here I go;

I would like to thank the friends I made on this website for so much. I honestly felt so close to you guys and I knew if there was ever trouble you would be the ones I could rely on. I cherished our time together, and I still think of you all. You all helped me improve on my writing skills and helped me through high school. You all mean the world to me. Though we have drifted a part and many of us never come on anymore this place is still a part of my life and I could never forget my time here with you all.
Thank you for everything you have done for me. I love you all.

One day I may return with some writing but for now I am still on a huge hiatus. I do come on from time to time so shoot me a message, and I will respond asap.


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Posted 8 Years Ago

I will definitely keep you posted on what happens with submitting! I'm sure I'll be reading your published work someday too :)

We need to start putting work on here again and reviewing!

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Posted 8 Years Ago

I'm so glad you're an English Lit major! That's so perfect for you! And I'm so happy you're still working on Twin Blade!

It makes me so happy you still think of my stories! I've been really good! I wasn't on here for probably over a year and I just happened to log on not long ago. I've done some hard core editing of Fallen from the Stars and I think I have it where I want it now. I'm going to try to submit it somewhere because it just feels like it's time. I need to do something or I won't be satisfied haha I've been working on the sequel too!
It was so much fun reviewing our stories on here! Crazy how life takes over and changes things sometimes though.

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Posted 8 Years Ago

Hey, Fallen!
Hope you are well! I was just thinking about Re-Birth the other day! I remembered you were pursuing publishing! How did that go? It was one of my favorite books on here!

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Posted 10 Years Ago

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Posted 11 Years Ago

i miss youu

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Ok. ^^

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Cool! :3

I recently joined Deviantart. And I'm thinking of changing my "pen name" on here to what I have on DA. I'm still thinking about it.

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Have you done any art lately?

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Aw thanks. :3

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Like fan art for Dr. Who and Supernatural and Frozen and stuff. And a surprise ^^