ohromantics : Writing

What's a Boy to Do?

What's a Boy to Do?

A Screenplay by ohromantics

Protagonist has attempted to rob a store while on heroin, but accidentally kills himself with a drug overdose before he is able to begin to the job. T..


A Screenplay by ohromantics

Random snippets of dialogue I think up.
Ramblin' Gamblin' Rhymes #1

Ramblin' Gamblin' Rhymes #1

A Story by ohromantics

random, random, RANDOM scribblings and snippets of verses I just threw together.
good crack vs. bunk crack

good crack vs. bunk crack

A Story by ohromantics

A curious thought that came to me.


A Poem by ohromantics

a woe-is-me diddy about jealousy.
good luck, quitter.

good luck, quitter.

A Poem by ohromantics

in short, a song about someone I met while I was traveling while I drank a lot, and dearly missed. we still talk today. written in 2009.