Dustin Chang : Writing

Drowned Clown

Drowned Clown

A Screenplay by Dustin Chang

EXT. ROOF - DAY We tilt down from a blue sky to the roof of the two story building, revealing TWO EIGHT YEAR OLD KIDS: TESHAN and JUAN in their shor..
Racoon Puff

Racoon Puff

A Screenplay by Dustin Chang

INT. RACOON PUFF HEADQUARTERS OFFICE/WAITING ROOM - DAY We track from left to right, a long line of Asian girls in their best suits sitting in chai..
Iron Man

Iron Man

A Story by Dustin Chang

There's been a construction going on in my building at work for last six months and two elevators have been taken over by burley construction guys mov..


A Story by Dustin Chang

A love story.
Seven Minutes in Heaven

Seven Minutes in Heaven

A Screenplay by Dustin Chang

INT. CLOSET - NIGHT We see a glimpse of a GIRL with dark hair as she is quickly pushed in to a closet. The door closes with a bang. Darkness. Gigglin..
Heaven Scent

Heaven Scent

A Story by Dustin Chang

Religious epiphany or ...?
Bleeding Has Stopped, Now What?

Bleeding Has Stopped, Now What?

A Screenplay by Dustin Chang

INT. GOURMET GROCERY STORE - NIGHT Fancy store with exposed-brick walls and old French posters on the wall. Shelves full of expensive preserves, cand..
Sleepy Time Gal

Sleepy Time Gal

A Story by Dustin Chang

A brief encounter with the Moonies.
Death of a Revolutionary

Death of a Revolutionary

A Story by Dustin Chang

People are not how they used to be.


A Story by Dustin Chang

Wonders of traditional medicine...and its consequences.