Dustin Chang

Dustin Chang


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Brooklyn, NY
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About Me

Not much to tell. Born in Korea. Dabbling in filmmaking and writing. Studied painting in high school, literature and film in college. Married with two cats. Live in Brooklyn, NY.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hey D,

The Welder is something that just came up the other day, so totally unexpected... for the most part. I guess you're thinking about the script which is in the final act of the rough, but I am on break from that.

Hey I think I'll be in NYC again on or around Nov. 6th. "Schooled" is screening at the Queens int. film fest and I thought it might good to see Brooks in person, spend a few solid days in the city, see if I can come up with anything.

I'll keep you posted on the deets. I'm trudging through the lists of hostels at the moment. Heard of any good spots?

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hey, hey, welcome! Odd time to sign up just FYI. The site crashed about a month back and the database of people's work was lost, so I think a lot of good folks left or either aren't around much (including your's truly). It can still be a fun place, and possibly even helpful if you find the right people. Enjoy your stay Dustin.