NubianGoddess24 : Writing

The Stranger He Lives With

The Stranger He Lives With

A Poem by NubianGoddess24

He’s the perfect man, everything any woman could want. A lost soul. No on understands who he really is. Many try to find him, try to change him,..
IT is......

IT is......

A Poem by NubianGoddess24

The affects destroys the way you see the world. How, when and if you will ever trust again. It tries to take away your innocence, your personal space...
No Visable Wounds

No Visable Wounds

A Poem by NubianGoddess24

My scars are not physical and not visible; my scars are emotional and mental. My scars cause me to pick and prod at them just causing them to re-open ..
UnSpoken Apologies

UnSpoken Apologies

A Poem by NubianGoddess24

My soul screams for it all to be done, my mind says God just give me one. I messed up and I can’t change that. The only thing I did was love him..
The Lost Lover

The Lost Lover

A Poem by NubianGoddess24

He unreels the window to my soul. His finger tip trails the nape of my neck, slowly running his tongue to my deepest most intimate places. Tossing and..
Smiling Tears

Smiling Tears

A Poem by NubianGoddess24

She never cried over it. Never once did a single tear fall from her eyes. All the pain that they cause her is still there. Everyone around her fee..
My Angel

My Angel

A Poem by NubianGoddess24

He lays on my leg to comfort me even though he’s sleep. It’s amazing how the connection is. I touch him and he stops snoring, when I move ..
Your blame

Your blame

A Poem by NubianGoddess24

I still haven’t figured out how to stop blaming myself for what happened. It’s not as bad as it use to be but I still think about it... ..

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