n_tropy9 : Writing



A Poem by n_tropy9

It's never fun when friends and loved ones move away and you feel helplessly immobile due to things that seem to restain you in the same place
My Wish

My Wish

A Poem by n_tropy9

feelings about a fantastical nine years long run with a great friend that took me faraway places and now that it looks like it's over, that little mon..


A Poem by n_tropy9

a commentary on the recent events in Missouri and the middle east


A Poem by n_tropy9

we are all sinners whether you'd like to believe it or not. committed more atrocities than I'd like to admit, truth shall set you free
Not Me, Not I

Not Me, Not I

A Poem by n_tropy9

It seems I have grown a thicker skin and in the process I am not being as sweet as I used to be


A Poem by n_tropy9

been thinking a lot about the future, like as in 40-50 years from now. Been reading a lot of Robert Frost lately, also.


A Poem by n_tropy9

a poem about the fears of getting into a relationship


A Poem by n_tropy9

heavily influenced by today's current events. Like my own version of Genesis' "Land of Confusion"
Into the Air

Into the Air

A Poem by n_tropy9

I have some social anxiety issues
What Love? There Is No Love Here

What Love? There Is No Love Here

A Poem by n_tropy9

loneliness is another thing that sucks