A musical fantasy dramedy, set in a world influenced by various Hispanic cultures and populated by mages, mundanes, chimeras, dragons, and more. A sma..
The Prologue of a movie about Alfred Kahn, the former CEO of 4Kids Entertainment, a company that specialized in poor, heavily censored anime dubs unti..
INT. ERIN'S HOUSE: WYOMING - DAYEXTERIOR SHOT OF ERIN'S HOUSEThe movers are lifting all of Erin's stuff onto the truck.Meanwhile, inside the house, Er..
Chapter 1 of the movie Mission Trip
This writing kind of is, and kind of isn't, a story per se; it's a TEDTalk that I had to present to my AP Lit. class a month ago, and now I think the ..
This is the full version of Rima and Julia.
Tikhon has driven Russia into a dark cloud, but Rima, Julia, and Borislava only look at the silver linings. Will the heroines have their fairytale end..
This is the story of two star-crossed lovers, two teenage Russian lesbian girls who must face the prejudice of the government and their own families. ..