kyuubi mets another vampre hunter named Dao Chan, shortly after Kenta comes back...
I am Kyuubi Uchiha. I am 13 years old.My parents- Atheana Uchiha and Sasuke Uchiha- died 2 years ago. Now I live with my two older siblings- Mikoto, ..
chiyo's a new girl in town. she mets a boy and they fall i love. ^_^
How could we be together? Only knowing that we cant see each other? Dreaming....hoping.....but even tears couldn't explain.....why I am sad. People te..
athy cant tell shelby why she cant come over...
I have lost someone close to me. I will never forget her. She was the only one who I felt understood me. Now I will depressed forever... and I wont be..
Esmiya Ishimoto, Yakari Ishimoto... Esmi Takemoto, Hope Lovett, Rain Lovett, Faith Hikari, Haiku Hikari, and Cinquain Ishimoto.
Yakari Ishimoto, Esmi Takemoto, Hope Lovett, Rain Lovett, Faith Hikari, Haiku Hikari, and Cinquain Ishimoto.
Yakari Ishimoto.
Atheana Dokuro.