Diane Fisher : Writing

Firefly Hour

Firefly Hour

A Chapter by Diane Fisher

My trek was a lonely one, weighed down by grief and a sort of hopelessness that can only come from losing everything... everyone... I had no place ..


A Chapter by Diane Fisher

Little did I know I had been being watched that entire time I was caring for Scout. I wouldn’t find that out, in fact, for years to come, but..


A Chapter by Diane Fisher

Five mostly uneventful years had passed, and I found myself and Scout wandering the deepest pockets of the savanna, hardly touched by outside custo..


A Book by Diane Fisher

13-year-old Aqui runs away, finds herself in the care of a manipulative genetics scientist, and has to find a way out.
Innocence Undone

Innocence Undone

A Chapter by Diane Fisher

Chapter 1 I looked back at the dark house behind me. The only light that remained lit was the bathroom light… my brother must have forgott..
Sanity's Edge

Sanity\'s Edge

A Chapter by Diane Fisher

Chapter 7 Through my unopened eyelids I could sense the sun beginning to rise through the trees. How far had I run? Was it far enough? Was it wor..
Finding Security

Finding Security

A Chapter by Diane Fisher

Chapter 11 The first time I was well enough to venture downstairs and eat dinner with their… family, I suppose you could call it, although..


A Story by Diane Fisher

Funny little things bring smiles.


A Story by Diane Fisher

Moving growing changing starting over!
I Remember It Clearly

I Remember It Clearly

A Story by Diane Fisher

I went to work on the day between Sunday and Monday.