About Me
I may be an unusual writer. You see, I've been transgendered all of my life, and most of my poetry stems from the feelings and emotions I have, being transgendered and not being able to live my life as I need to.
Being transgendered is like being blessed with the most wonderful gift in the entire world, while being condemned with an incredible curse at the same time.
It's a blessing, because we see the world from a perspective that nobody else can see it through, and it's a curse, because to be who we know we are, we're forced to subject ourselves to the cruelist forms of hypocrisy, persecution and prejudice, and face the most distinct possibility that we'll become victims of some of the most insidious hate crimes that none of us can possibly imagine.
We risk losing everything; family, friends, our jobs, but we have to risk these things to find a little happiness in an otherwise lonely world.
It's a lonely life when you can't be who you know you are.
My writing is the only true method I have in my life to deal with this issue.