nicnatnoodles : Writing



A Chapter by nicnatnoodles

Everything was wrong; the pain shouldnt be this powerful. I shouldhave already healed. I was still bleeding from the bullet wound. I felt the uncont..
Chapter one

Chapter one

A Chapter by nicnatnoodles

The thing I wanted most was the smell of fresh air. All I smell is nothing. This hospital is kept so sterile so clean, that there is no smell. It&rsqu..
Chapter two

Chapter two

A Chapter by nicnatnoodles

Stretching across the uncomfortable floor, I yawned, my hands stretching across the wooden floor. The smell of the damp, dusty, old environment of whe..
Chapter 4: Chris ~

Chapter 4: Chris ~

A Chapter by nicnatnoodles

Chapter 4: Chris ~ As soon as I woke up, I walked to the kitchen and there she was, getting some orange juice out the fridge. “Good mor..
Chapter 5: Bambi - The V.I.P.

Chapter 5: Bambi - The V.I.P.

A Chapter by nicnatnoodles

Chapter 5: Zoey/Chris ~Zoey:It was true… Everyone did know about it… I was mindlessly strolling over Facebook, when for some reason; I b..
A monster created, not born

A monster created, not born

A Book by nicnatnoodles

Who could love a monster especially one who turned his back on the world?

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