nicknye : Writing

Chapter  1: The relentless fog

Chapter 1: The relentless fog

A Chapter by nicknye

The fog has descended on the Cloud Forests -hiding the two sets of antagonists from each other. Silently the Chachapoya Pathfinders track the Incas as..
Chapter 2: ...and Justice for all

Chapter 2: ...and Justice for all

A Chapter by nicknye

The Pathfinders have reported that the Incas are rapidly advancing on the fortress of Kuelap - while the Priests of Mot are exacting revenge on helple..
Chapter 3: Cruel Justice

Chapter 3: Cruel Justice

A Chapter by nicknye

The Chief Justice encounters the Inca Snake priests torturing Chanca refugees. She has no choice but to dispense rough, frontier justice on them after..
Chapter 4: The Incas advance

Chapter 4: The Incas advance

A Chapter by nicknye

The Incas advance and Illary must determine how the Chancellor died - was he killed by ambitious Elders or did he die a natural death?
Chapter 5: The new Chancellor

Chapter 5: The new Chancellor

A Chapter by nicknye

The Chief Justice confronts the new Chancellor and Vice Chancellor
Conspiracy of Elders

Conspiracy of Elders

A Book by nicknye

A historical mystery set in 1430s South America. Illary, Chief Justice of the Chachapoyas, must find the murdered of her child before the Incas invade..