nickdaman6 : Writing

Chapter 5: Family Matters

Chapter 5: Family Matters

A Chapter by nickdaman6

Hey y'all! Next chapter up and ready! It's concluding on Lyra's past, so I'll be switching POVs for next chapter after this one. It's rather sad, so h..
Chapter 6: On the Highway to "Home"

Chapter 6: On the Highway to "Home"

A Chapter by nickdaman6

Hey guys, I'm back! Next chapter in The World Ended Silently and we're back to Dallas' POV. I realized I do put more work into Dallas than Lyra, don't..
Chapter 7: Tough Times and Rough Memories

Chapter 7: Tough Times and Rough Memories

A Chapter by nickdaman6

So, I'm back! After that huge hiatus... Anyways, this chapter goes into Dallas and his past. A pretty cool chapter, I think. I hope y'all like it!

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