2004/ Early Spring
The case lasted over a year, and Mr. Welkowsky won. John didn't worry about losing the case neither about what Collins ..
Fall of 2007
A man walks downstairs to what appears to be a basement. He steps in front of two large doors, unlocks them and opens them. Th..
Winter of 2007
A man with a water truck, bundled in warm clothes. There is snow everywhere, it was a good winter. It's nearly 6:00 o'clock..
John stomps out of his house and McKenzie follows, "How are we going to find him, he could be half way around the world John! It's been five years!" ..
They arrive at Collins' second home, go around the home and jump over the home fence. "Do you see anything back here, anything that catches your eye?..
Collins is tied up into a chair, in the room he was knocked out at. He shakes his head has he regains some of his vision back. John and McKenzie are ..
Jefferson gets out of his car, runs inside and slams into the hidden door. "Hey Collins, you down here!?" "Yeah!" He goes downstairs and walks toward..
McKenzie walks inside a small building and shows a old guy her badge. "Detective Zelc, I need to look around your yard sir." "Go right ahead, m..
McKenzie is sitting in her home with one light on. She has a recording device hooked up to the walkie-talkie, while she listens to the station she fo..
Both of them are pacing in the room, thinking hard on what to do next. "What is the possibility that this is really not happening McKenzie?" "I have ..