Text pours over the screen, capitals and lowercases and ones and zeroes and other alphanumerics. I relax my arms and sit back in my chair. I'd been wr..
flash fiction. the second in a series.
Before I go out, I always straighten my hair in the mirror. There's no point in going before the media with a loose strand poking out, like Alfalfa. T..
Flash fiction. Written quickly, with minimal editing.
Flash fiction. Written quickly, with minimal editing. There will be more of these in the same setting.
This was my first serious fiction attempt ever. So of course, my characters turned on me.
I attempted to keep a journal during my family's four plus day excursion to the Dominican Republic last week, but somehow I was sidetracked by the fac..
"Sparkle for me, darling," she says, as we step out of the car.
We arrive, as usual, overdressed and very aware of it, the glow off her j..
The streets are wet, and silent, and dark. Everything has gone to bed, gone to sleep, gone to dream away the whys and maybes that confront them. I am ..
It's hard to speak your mind when your mouth is full of blood. It tastes terrible, which puts the existence of real vampires in serious doubt. It keep..