Dolly Nichani

Dolly Nichani


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Los Angeles, CA
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About Me

'...Sometimes, I tend to change gears fast enough, depending on the situation and mood I�m at, or the circumstances that I�m facing. On the counterpart, I�m used to being silent, assertive, high and good personality type of person, very straight-forward sometimes, but tend to fall back soon. In other words, when I say �fall back soon� I don�t mean like give up entirely (even though I�m restless sometimes � would mean that I tend to like not bother much about it at times), but I don�t last so long on a certain type of thing or person. So, if I know it�s something or someone not for me or it�s not within my preference, I just let it be as it is or was (with another reason being that it�s hard sometimes for me to let go, because I get so attached faster than imagined)....' Well, this is just something about me and what type of person I am. So if you have any concerns and questions, just let me know.


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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hiya - thanks for the message. Visiting family at the moment - busy with lots of little kidlets. Hope to paint with them this afternoon if they will ever nap - lol. Sounds like a fun project you have going on. So glad to hear from you.
All my best,

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hi there - sorry have been out of touch - busy with son's football season and teaching. How are you? Glad you are writing some. I haven't had much of a chance to write much and can't really think of much to say right now. But will try later today perhaps. Take care of you.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Still waitin' for something to read... : >)