Later, on relating this ordeal to my host Faizal Khan, he said, “You should have asked where Kush’s house is, someone would have certainly..
Even a cursory look at Asansol`s surroundings would tell you why. It is part of Bengal’s industrial hub with coal and steel being the prime indu..
Since 2013, Telegram has replaced email, chat, forums, blogs, news websites, e-commerce, social networks, dating services and, for many, even televisi..
Since the turn of the 21st century our region has experienced the emergence and resurgence of religious extremism, specifically Talibanisation.
Although such horrific facts should rock headline news for weeks, terrorist attacks where Muslims are the primary victims are underreported.
As an Australian-born, modern, educated, uncovered Muslim woman, I am acutely aware I come to this issue from a position of privilege, but sadly, also..
However, an uproar ensued when M-103 was initially tabled, because of the inclusion of the term "Islamophobia" in the motion.
Rather than discussing the dirty politics of foul language, accusations, blame games and horse trading, let’s have a look at some of the finer a..
Most people know it as the burial place of the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb, but there is much more to the area. There is a reason why Aurangzeb had asked..
This is not the only incident. Such incidents occur every day in all parts of Islamic world, but only a few are reported. When the incident of Coptic ..