But first, let me focus a little on the symbiosis of our religious traditions that has sustained us, and kept us together, for centuries and, I am sur..
I would like to confine myself to reflecting on the problems of religious minorities, particularly Muslim minorities who are facing xenophobia and rel..
They can, for example, exert their right to forgive and thus set both parties to the dispute free of the karmic debt. This is provocative stuff.
Quoting a press release of Majlis-e-Ahrar, Punjab, the Daily Sahafat, Delhi (18 May 2010) reports that Muslims are proud of the fact that, with the in..
In Pakistan, for instance, a near civil war in raging among religious, sectarian, ethnic and linguistic groups.
They claim to be establishing what they call “pure Islam”, by eliminating mainstream interpretations of Islam and minority sects whom they..
As perceptive and insightful an observer as Mr. Ziauddin Sardar proclaimed “the beginning of the end of the war of terror” when a hundred ..
The people of Kashmir have suffered immensely since the Pakistani invasion of their land soon after Partition in 1947.
We are holding this discussion at a time when cultural and ethnic minorities in Pakistan are in great distress.
Wahhabism has been spread aggressively since the 1744 pact between Muhammad bin Saud and Muhammad ibn ʿAbdul Wahhab which marked the emergence of..