Albert Einstein could not believe, so he died not knowing.Yes, Spooky Action at a Distance has been caught.A special photo arrangement through a speci..
It is noted with some societies in the world that over time they strive for nondifferentiation throughout, a kind of uniformism. It takes a lot of cri..
Much as with the Flatheads of North America, the Mayan culture, even much earlier Chinese Orientals are found in anthropological which show practice w..
This could be a most unexpected approach by any discipline that goes a long way to reviving lost consciousness.A primer; slow music/adagio. It is caut..
Warrants to be issued:(for 'crazy uncles')Paul ReverePatrick HenryGeorge WashingtonContinental ArmyContinental Congress I & IISigners of Declarati..
A long time speculated phenomenon may be moved a step closer to being real.Approaching from a different level, realization of mirror activity could b..
A study has been very recently released which forecasts the diminishing of numbers of humans on this planet starts at 2050. Backed up by United Nation..
Scientists have come up with tracing the existence of anything is as good as what is perceived as being statistically produced like lotto with the vir..
After decades of being in shadow in cosmic studies, the role of cosmic voids studied for decades by the likes of Paul M. Sutter, Guilhem Lavaux, Benja..
"dark impactor"Gathering data from the Gaia satellite, it appears very much that the Milky Way galaxy had something big blast its way through one of i..