With pools of shadowy eyeShe does find me, Froma horizon unseenQuieter than any whispering breeze,Passing out from an unseen veilTraipsing over the la..
realta non e come ci appare
E=time (t).Currently, most attention is directed to E=mc2 as if it is the only function on large throughout the cosmos.But how, in addition, does one ..
An overview of Asian dialectical analysis
In current times, many scientists depict a quandary of whether the universe has an outer edge. Many images on the universe suggest no uniform edge,as ..
The Planck data for 2013 was assessed by scientists. A minority have made reports that imply the universe exists on an equilibrium to equilibrium basi..
Ancient India condition predication from Jainas
a minor dialectical analysis
Review of Second Cosmos Declaration, 2010
Most people assume when they observe some animals converse, (birds, dogs, monkeys etc.) that the way they produce their sounds, when audible to human ..