It is not difficult. So, where is it?My Orb Globe, where is it? Should be manufactured by now.A nice, glass, transparent orb globe with all the modern..
The directional flow of time can be reversed. At the quantum level. By a laboratory with a team of international scientists, early Nov. 2017. This was..
Which is likely the most influential, reflective rock song on society from the early 1960's?Is it from the from the Beatles?No.The most influential ea..
Many times, many, many people ask 'what is reality?'Consider that reality is usually taken to be what one presently encounters. This seems to be agree..
Back in the day, when the cosmos was gauged by visible light, we looked up to the night sky. There we discerned a broad, milky band. Composed of stars..
According to a recent release in October 2017, scientists working on Baryon-Antibaryon Symmetry Experiment (BASE) in Europe with CERN who have been wo..
We look up at the sky and see a bird flying or soaring and we think what freedom they enjoy, and we don't. So little hindrance in the air.And we wonde..
Honorable shooting the shooter in an educational setting? For some communities, if not an assigned patrol, a teacher may or not take training to alleg..
Clean your Plate! Traded values:Simple, general values being transformed. Take for example, Clean your plate! In early civilized endeavors, there undo..
Early life had a tough time to sustain itself on earth. One of the detrimental conditions which constantly bombards the planet comes from space in the..