Call me Nessa; not Vanessa, please. I love my music; insulting it wouldnt be healthy. Im complicated but not impossible, Im consonantly inconsistent with everything in my life. Im too thorough, I double check and even triple check things. I'm open minded and unpredictable. Im rarely content and its hard to get my attention but even harder to keep it. I contradict myself every second of the day. Im also very self-conscious, whether youre joking or not I tend to analyze your comment. Dont bother me with your opinion about me; religion; music; etc. because I most likely dont care. If youre going to assume and judge me by the rumors youve heard, f**k off! I dont deal with bullshit, thanks.
my writing: Well I enjoy writing though I dont think Im very good at it. Most of my poems have a similar message in the end which tends to bore me but of course youre welcome interpret your own meaning of them. Feel free to leave a comment/review, I do return the favor. And anything else youd like to know about my writing, just ask or better yet, just read. :]