About Me
Hello there. Somehow you are here, looking at my profile. I have no idea why... Anyway, welcome! I'm Dusk Twilight but call me Dusk. I'm a person who lives in their imagination and slowly gets deeper into the pathway of depression. Happily, I turn around and start to walk back to the strange and boring reality... I do not like it. It's boring. So, I read books, a lot. Maybe a bit too much.. But what can I say? I love reading and writing! You can say that I'm addicted to reading and my imagination, that is a bit bad because it increases my depression. Plus, I live in my own little world, and I wish everyday for being someone else... I also love listening to music. I pretend that I'm somewhere else, far away from reality and become someone better, someone prettier, someone loved... I am not a girly girl! No! I'm a girl who doesn't mind getting her hands dirty. I love playing on my xbox with my friends and kick some zombie's butts. That is me. I also love sleeping. I am completely immature! I'm so childish and my friends call me retarded, they have a point... Running around in a circle while saying 'unicorns' is not a behaviour expected from someone who is currently in Year 13. That is how weird I am. Beware, my randomness will give you some hard brain damage... Thanks for checking my pro! ~a. rose