Why kill myself when the cemetery is full,Why be sad when the glass is almost dull;Why be tired when the blunts still being passed around,Why try to s..
Your sarcastic smile drives me crazyThe ignorant snickers I want to kill youI'm not much different than anyone elseBut you think you're so f*****g spe..
Why fall in love with humans who will destroy me, break me and ache for me to burnWhen I can fall in love with the sunset who appears for me every mor..
Sometimes I wish everything would work out. Or I wish I could make things clear.But I, I cannot.So I will spend my time today overthinking all the sit..
These burns upon my arms have vanished only because I can go back in time using everyday sources to start againI have placed these scars on myself fro..
I want the sparkI want to leave a touch of beautyI want those to remember my faceI've heard that when people cannot go to sleep, it's because someone ..
Today I am sadYesterday I was sadWhy am I here?I asked the gentile moonHe respondedThe only way out is too look inThe karma cards told me TroubleThe t..
How easily love can comeAnd howadventurousit can make us beIf I am lonely, will I be faced with the path of adultery?Lust will come first but the love..